Thursday, April 3, 2014

CbL Young Turks

Hello Lovelies!! It's almost Friday and wow, this week has flown by.  Today I have another gorgeous polish from Leah Ann Larowe's line, Colors by Llarowe.  I have not come across any of her polishes that I didn't like, they are all fabulous in color and application! Let have a look at Young Turks.  When I saw this, I knew it would be coming to my house, but it also brought back memories of when my son did a semester of college in Greece.  The beautiful waters and atmosphere is captured in Young Turks.  In the 1st photo, I decided to use a ring I received as a gift from a very dear friend.  Look at that GORGEOUS color of blue in the stone!! She has an Etsy shop, I will provide those details in a moment. 


I wore this polish for a good week with out any chipping and minimal tip wear.  This gorgeous color can be worn year round, IMO, its stunning!  Many of you already know how to get your hands on her polishes, which is online at HERE  Regarding the beautiful ring, my friend Kimberly has a shop on Etsy HERE She carries vintage items and creates one of a kind rings.  If you are looking for a OOAK gift or a little something for yourself, check out her shop, it is amazing.  That's all for today. What do you think of Young Turks?  Do you own and Cbl polishes?  I'd love to hear from you.  Until next time, Keep looking up, because that's where it all is.



  1. Im so jelous you have this...its just so awesome, i got to have that in my life.

  2. It is the most beautiful color of polish I've ever owned. I think it will be restocked this month. I hope you will be able to get it :)

  3. I just ordered it Aug 19/14 Can't wait to get it Gorgeous colour

    1. It's like,no other color, you will LOVE IT!
