A big Happy Hoppity Easter to everyone!! I hope you are enjoying time with your family and or friends. Since my kids are grown adults, the hubby and I are just relaxing today. On my blog I have a few more Jamberry Nail's Designs to share with you, that I have found on Instagram. I cannot say enough good things about this product, they are fabulous! I just put on a new design today, after wearing them for 2 weeks, that's right 2 weeks! There was no chipping or peeling, they looked the same as the day I put them on :) Let's take a look at the photo's
Jamberry Nail's have over 200+ designs to choose from and when you mix and match, as you can see in the photo's above, the possibilities are endless. They are so, so easy to apply and are not harmful to your nails at all. There is no foul smell like the store bought brands and the quality cannot be compared to the Jamberry Nail's. They are as easy to take off as there are to put on. I use the "foil" method, the same used when removing a glitter mani

There is not a design that I do not like, I could have them all and never get bored!! Each Jamberry Nail's sheet comes with 18 nail strips/wraps in 9 different sizes and each strip/wrap covers 2 fingernails, unless you have very long nails. So you can get a several mani's and a pedi out of just 1 sheet, even more if you use them as an accent nail combined with polish, both ways are BeAuTiFuL!! Right now there is a fantastic promotion of buy 3 get 1 free. You can order alone or team up with a friend or two and split the order. You can view the many designs and place an order by
clicking here. I also have a Facebook page too which can be seen by
clicking here.
If you would like to learn how you can get **FREE** Jamberry Nail's, leave me a comment or send me an email to
polishaddict1224@gmail.com. Until next time, may your days be filled with beautiful polish and rockin' Jamberry Nails~
xoxo Shea