It's Wednesday and that means it's time for my weekly Lynnderella Post and I have a beauty for you today. It may be the middle of the week, but sadly, my birthday girls getaway comes to an end tomorrow. My mom arranged for a girls gambling trip for my Birthday, which was Monday and it has been non-stop laughter! Everytme we take a girls trip, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. We are all blonde, except my daughter and one of us always says something that just quite doesn't make sense, but we all think it's so damn funny. Something always happens, hilariously happens, that we add to the "it can only happen to us girl trips journal", which we go back and laugh even more at all the silly things we've said and done. It moments like these that I will always cherish. I am so blessed to have such a young mom, she can do circles around me! This girls trip, my daughter, who lives in Fort Worth, was able to drive down to San Antonio and go with myself, my mom, cousin and my Aunt. It has been a lot of fun, so many new memories were made and I don't want it to end. They are all asleep in our hotel room while I'm typing up this blog post. What I'm really thinking is, It's 3:30am and I should go down to the Casino and play the $1 slots! Haha
On to the beautiful Lynnderella polish, Did Someone Say Pink? Those that know me, know my love affair with Pink polish is very strong. Did Someone Say. Pink? Is a cool pink creme with blue and warm red shimmer, so dainty, delicate and simply gorgeous. I used 3 thin coats with a coat of Darling Diva Pryzmatic PETC Topcoat and did not have any application issues, the formula was excellent.. This is a Limited Edition color that can be bid on, auction style, on their EBay store. You can also find other LE's in their Storenvy shop as well. Is there a polish you want, but you do not see it on either website, you can send Lynnderella an Email for inquiries. Be sure to follow the Lynnderella Blog to stay up to date on up coming auctions.
Look at that macro shot, it reminds me of a fairytale princess color! That is all I have for you today, after 3 days of non-stop laughter and lack of sleep, I will be going to bed early tonight. Until next time, keep looking up cause that's where is all is!

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